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May 13, 2012: As complicated as our
relationship was, not a day goes by when I
don't think of 'Mum'.

She was a force to be reckoned with.  There
was no question she was the Sun...while the
rest of us were smaller novas in a family
system that revolved around her. Sometimes
her gravity pulled us closer; other times, our
free-falling elliptical orbit would take us
further away.

After she died, my path went off-kilter, and it
took awhile to regain momentum.

Without question, she challenged me in ways
no one else possibly could and was my
greatest teacher in life. She continues to be,
after her passing.  I look at the lessons we
shared along our rocky road, and I'm
filled with gratitude.

In her honour, I bought a chrysanthemum
(she always called them 'mums') and paired it
with a favourite B+W photo of her from many
years ago, happily perched on the bow of a
classic wooden speedboat my Dad lovingly
built with my Uncle Bill.  Here's to you, Mum.



    "Mum"  © 2012  Cathy Gazda
   Watercolor, Pen and Pencil - 9 x 12 inches

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